heart's mind 🤍

You can't stop the rain from pouring. 

You can't stop the thunder from lightening. 

You can't count the raindrops every second.

You can't get rid of the canon events.

You can't forget and remember things at the same time.

You can't start with love and end with itself.

You can't ignore their thoughts and memories. 


You can only go with the flow. 

Sometimes, you want to be loved - the right kind of love. The kind of love where you don't have to ask for it, where you don't have to tell. The kind of love that's real. Nothing fancy. Nothing delusional.
Nothing extraordinary. A love that's simple, easy. A text that reads "Hey, I miss you" at the middle of the day. A call to just hear your voice. Dropping by your place with your favorite food to make you feel better when you're having a bad day. All the little things! Self-love is great, but receiving love from another person who can take care of you, love you, be with you, adore you - THAT IS DIFFERENT. 

A love that helps you grow, a love that celebrates your existence. A love so real with fire and passion. The kind of love where you can never let go, no matter how far apart. That's the kind of love you could die for. 


  1. That's very deep..Thanks for this explicit blog❤️

  2. A love you could die for ? Cannot be expected from the people who dont know what real love is and to not to see as a relationship rather than seeing it as a person who is yours completely in a life which is irreversible idk i dont make sense .

  3. Incredibly personal and relatable


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